
Frequently asked questions

  • Why is Penetration Testing necessary?

    Penetration Testing is essential for evaluating the robustness of an organization’s security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. It helps identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors before they cause harm. Additionally, penetration testing is often required to meet regulatory standards, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), ensuring compliance and enhancing overall security posture.

  • What is the difference between Pen Testing and Vulnerability Assessment?

    • Vulnerability Assessment: Utilizes automated tools to scan networks or applications for known vulnerabilities, providing a broad overview of potential issues. This method is efficient and cost-effective but limited to identifying known vulnerabilities without validating or exploiting them.
    • Penetration Testing: Involves a comprehensive, hands-on approach that includes attempting to safely exploit vulnerabilities, escalate privileges, and demonstrate the potential impacts of a breach. This method goes beyond automated scans to provide a thorough evaluation of the overall security posture.

  • How often should security assessments be conducted?

    The frequency of security assessments depends on various factors, including the size of your environment, the frequency of changes to your systems, and your budget. It is generally advisable to perform penetration testing at least once a year and after any significant software or application updates to ensure that new vulnerabilities are identified and addressed promptly, maintaining a robust security posture.

  • How much does a security assessments cost?

    The cost of security assessment varies based on factors such as the type of assessment (VA, PT, etc.), the scope and complexity of the assessment, the size of the network or application, and the level of detail required in the final report. Generic pricing can often be misleading, as each organization’s needs are unique. We offer a free consultation to understand your specific objectives and tailor our services accordingly.

  • How long does a security assessment take?

    The duration of a security assessment depends on the type of assessment (VA, PT, etc.), the complexity and scope of the assessment. A thorough security assessment involves several stages, including planning, reconnaissance, exploitation, and reporting. Typically, this process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, ensuring a detailed and hands-on evaluation of your security measures.

  • How soon can you start on my project?

    Professional manual security assessment requires careful planning and preparation. Our ability to start your project depends on our current schedule and the complexity of your requirements. For urgent projects, we recommend contacting us directly to discuss timelines and availability. We strive to accommodate urgent needs while maintaining the highest standards of quality and thoroughness.

  • How much of the Penetration Testing is automated vs. manual?

    While automated tools are used early in the Penetration Testing process to quickly identify common vulnerabilities, the majority of our testing is manual. Approximately 95% of the Penetration Testing process involves hands-on testing by our skilled security experts. This approach allows us to uncover complex vulnerabilities that automated scanners may miss and provides a more detailed and accurate assessment of your security posture.

  • Can security assessments impact my business operations?

    We take several precautions to minimize the impact of our tests on your business operations. Before the test begins, we establish a communication plan and outline the scope of the engagement to ensure that critical systems are not disrupted. Our team works closely with your IT staff to schedule testing during off-peak hours or other convenient times to reduce potential disruptions. Additionally, we have measures in place to halt testing immediately if any unexpected issues arise.

  • Will other servers be affected during the security assessment?

    CYVERFORT will only perform security assessment on agreed-upon targets. We ensure that all tests are conducted within the scope defined by our clients. This approach helps prevent unintended disruptions to other servers or systems within your network. If additional testing on other servers is required, it must be explicitly authorized and documented in the engagement agreement.

  • Are we completely secure after penetration testing?

    While penetration testing significantly enhances your security posture by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, it does not guarantee complete security. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and new attack vectors can emerge. To maintain a high level of security, it is recommended to conduct regular penetration testing, at least annually, and to stay informed about the latest security trends and updates.

  • Is it legal to perform simulated DDoS attacks?

    Simulated DDoS attacks are legal when performed responsibly and with proper authorization. Our commitment to responsible testing includes:

    • Properly sizing attacks to minimize impact beyond the intended target.
    • Ensuring customers authorize the tests and control the targets.
    • Notifying upstream ISPs of the proposed testing.
    • Implementing fail-safe mechanisms to deactivate attacks if necessary.

    These measures ensure that our testing is conducted in a controlled and legal manner, minimizing risks to your business and others.

  • How are simulated DDoS attacks different from load testing?

    Load testing and simulated DDoS attacks serve different purposes:

    • Load Testing: Determines an environment's capacity under normal traffic conditions. It helps identify performance bottlenecks and optimize system performance under expected user loads.
    • Simulated DDoS Attacks: Designed to mimic malicious attacks that aim to disrupt services. These tests help evaluate the resilience of your systems under extreme stress and identify weaknesses that could be exploited by real attackers.

    By understanding these differences, organizations can better prepare for both normal operational loads and potential cyber attacks.

  • Which types of simulated DDoS attacks are available?

    We offer a variety of common DDoS attack simulations, customizable to meet our customers' specific needs. These include:

    • Volume-based attacks that flood the network with traffic.
    • Protocol attacks that exploit weaknesses in network protocols.
    • Application-layer attacks that target specific applications or services.

    Additionally, our engineers can design custom attacks to exploit unique vulnerabilities in a customer's environment, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your defenses.

  • How can DDoS testing be done safely?

    Our DDoS testing is conducted safely by following best practices:

    • Ensuring all assets and networks being tested have the necessary permissions.
    • Gradually increasing traffic levels from very low to high to avoid sudden disruptions.
    • Having an emergency stop mechanism to halt all traffic immediately if needed.

    These precautions help minimize the risk of unintended consequences during testing, ensuring a safe and controlled assessment of your systems.

  • Who needs DDoS testing the most?

    Businesses that rely heavily on online systems and need to maintain a 24/7 online presence should prioritize DDoS testing. This includes e-commerce platforms, financial institutions, healthcare providers, and other organizations where uptime is critical. DDoS testing helps ensure that their systems are resilient against such attacks, minimizing the risk of costly downtime and service disruptions.

  • How often are Dark Web scans performed?

    Our algorithms continuously monitor the Dark Web, providing real-time surveillance for any sensitive information related to your organization. If we discover information that may belong to you, we notify you immediately, enabling you to take swift action to mitigate potential risks.

  • Can Dark Web Watch help businesses?

    Yes, Dark Web Watch can significantly benefit businesses. Poor online security practices by end users can compromise the entire organization. Monitoring the Dark Web helps identify and mitigate risks from weak or reused passwords, data breaches, and other security threats. By proactively searching for compromised credentials and other sensitive information, businesses can strengthen their overall security posture and protect their digital assets.

  • How does Dark Web Watch work?

    Dark Web Watch involves proactively searching for breached credentials and other sensitive information related to your brand. Our monitoring tools scan Dark Web forums, marketplaces, and other hidden sites for any data that may belong to you. If any of your information is found, you will receive immediate alerts, allowing you to take necessary actions to protect your business and mitigate potential risks.

  • What is Real-World Hack Engagement?

    Real-World Hack Engagement is a cutting-edge cybersecurity service designed to provide businesses with a deeper and more practical understanding of their security vulnerabilities. Unlike traditional Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT), this service employs live, controlled hacking exercises directly on client websites and IT systems. Our team of ethical hackers conducts realistic attack engagements to expose and address potential weaknesses in your security infrastructure, ensuring that your defenses are tested and fortified against genuine cyber threats.

  • How does Real-World Hack Engagement differ from traditional Penetration Testing?

    While traditional Penetration Testing involves systematic testing of systems and applications to identify vulnerabilities, Real-World Hack Engagement takes it a step further. It simulates real-life cyber-attacks in a controlled environment, providing a more practical and comprehensive understanding of how your security measures hold up against actual threats. This approach not only identifies vulnerabilities but also tests the effectiveness of your incident response and overall security posture in real-world scenarios.

  • What are the benefits of Real-World Hack Engagement?

    Real-World Hack Engagement offers several benefits, including:

    • Enhanced Security Awareness: Provides a realistic view of potential threats and vulnerabilities, improving your organization's overall security awareness.
    • Proactive Defense: Identifies and addresses vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.
    • Improved Incident Response: Tests the effectiveness of your incident response plan and helps refine your procedures for handling real cyber-attacks.
    • Comprehensive Assessment: Offers a thorough evaluation of your security infrastructure, ensuring that your defenses are robust and capable of withstanding real-world attacks.

    This service helps businesses stay ahead of cyber threats by providing actionable insights and practical solutions to enhance their security posture.

  • How does vulnerability assessment fit into a comprehensive security strategy?

    A vulnerability assessment is a crucial first step in identifying security weaknesses. It involves scanning your network, applications, and systems for known vulnerabilities. When combined with regular penetration testing and other advanced security measures like Real-World Hack Engagement, it provides a comprehensive view of your security posture. This holistic approach helps prioritize remediation efforts, ensuring that all potential threats are addressed and your defenses remain robust.

  • What is App Reverse Engineering and why is it important?

    App Reverse Engineering involves analyzing an application to understand its design and functionality. This process is essential for several reasons:

    • Identify Vulnerabilities: Helps uncover security weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers.
    • Ensure Software Integrity: Verifies that the application functions as intended without any malicious code or unintended behaviors.
    • Protect Intellectual Property: Helps protect your software from piracy and unauthorized use by understanding its underlying mechanisms and ensuring its security.

    Overall, App Reverse Engineering is a critical component of a comprehensive security strategy, ensuring that your applications are secure and reliable.

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